Monday, May 25, 2015


‘Every time you speak, you are auditioning for leadership’ – James C Humes
James C. Humes wrote speeches for many US Presidents: Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan and Bush. His acclaimed books include Instant Eloquence, Podium Humor, The Sir Winston Method, Citizen Shakespeare and The Wit & Wisdom of Winston Churchill. Along with William Safire and Pat Buchanan, Humes is credited for authoring the text on the Apollo 11 lunar plaque.
An expert as well as exponent of the art of speaking, Humes emphasized that the difference between mere management and leadership is communication. He pointed out that the art of communication is the language of leadership. Indeed, we find that leaders stand out due to their ability to speak effectively
 Indeed, every time we have to speak - whether it's in an auditorium, in a conference room, or even across the comfort of our own desk - we are auditioning for leadership. Interestingly, more often than not, speaking is a skill that requires to be just reclaimed. We are born expressive but negative nurturing deteriorates our confidence as well as competency.
To reclaim our ability to speak effectively we must use every opportunity to do so. It is pertinent to note that we first learnt to speak in our childhood by listening to sounds of language. Now, too, we must focus on listening to sounds of various voices (including our own) and apply the learning to every opportunity to speak – whether on the phone, across the table, during a meeting or at the podium.

Rise to every opportunity… stand up to speak
Audition for leadership… reclaim the poise peak!

- Pravin K. Sabnis
Goa, India.